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2018 Reflections

Writer: Jasmine CharchunJasmine Charchun

WOW- it has been a year of positive change, painful growth and accelerated learning. At the start of 2018 I was in a state of restlessness, confusion and apprehension.  It was from this place that I began to learn some important lessons...

Hmmm...I think I need some help

At the end of January, I started working with an amazing Life Coach named Candy Motzek ( I knew very little about life coaching but knew I was just sooo over myself at that point.  Our sessions allowed me to examine my life from an alternative perspective and allowed me the space to gain enough personal momentum to start making some oh so important changes.


My hope is that you step outside of the comfort of your boxes and wholly and boldly be you own trustiest, fiercest self

~Janet Mock


Where have we been?

I was blessed this year to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC.  It's a museum dedicated to exploring the contributions of African Americans to the nation and ultimately the world.  Standing in the middle of the 'Making a Way Out of No Way' exhibit reenergized me as it reaffirmed that I stand on the shoulders of giants.  Living my life with integrity and service is how I have chosen to recognize my ancestors. 

Where's my backpack?

I brushed the dust off my notebooks and went back to school.  I felt the inner calling to take a leap into the unknown, as scary as it was, and expand my knowledge in a way that I haven't in years.  Ultimately, it became one of those experiences that changed the course of my life in a way that I am so grateful.  I learned through the assignments, conversations and classes that fear is just a sensation that can be acted upon or replaced with a more advantageous emotion.

My hope for you is that your lessons of 2018 will propel you into a kickass 2019!!



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